Friday, January 22, 2016

President Trump Revisited


                                      “It was the best of many bad options.”

                                                         Gore Vidal

President Trump was originally posted on 9/15/2015 at the blog site, The Needlefish Chronicles, but was later moved to the site The Diogenes Files (to make room for weightier matters) on 12/18/2015 thus losing over ninety days of seniority due to Google’s carelessness.

Bill Clinton said Obama was “luckier than a dog with two dicks” to face hapless Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. This makes it very difficult to describe the luck of Donald Trump in facing Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz (and a host of duller luminaries) for the Republican Presidential nomination.  Brother George tarnished the Bush name so badly that Jeb cannot use his only advantage--name recognition.  Although Jeb and his allies have spent 111 million on campaign ads, he is currently at the bottom of the pack with a 5% ranking.  This is a case of the “the dog will not eat the dog food.”  Rubio an obvious greenhorn enjoys the worst attendance record in the US Senate and was documented both as a liar and a thief in Peter Golenbock’s 2014 book The Chairman.  Ben Carson made a fortune pitching religious bromides to the faithful and selling bogus nutritional supplements to another information-challenged group.  He actually bragged about trying to kill his mother with a hammer.  In his book he claimed that General Westmoreland met with him personally and offered him a four-year scholarship to West Point.  The entire story has been totally debunked. That leaves only Ted Cruz standing between Trump and the nomination.  And that, dear reader makes Trump luckier than (expletive deleted).

Ted Cruz was moving up on Trump until Trump brilliantly played the “birther” card, an old canard that a Hillary Clinton volunteer dreamed up in the 2008 election in an attempt to derail Barack Obama.  It failed to resonate with the Democrats, but proved to be immensely popular with right-wing Republicans who to this day think Obama was born in Kenya in the Muslim faith.  While Tea Party Republicans would be hard-pressed to find Kenya on a map, they know where Canada is located and Cruz fully admits to being born there having only renounced his Canadian citizenship in May 2014.  The entire Canadian thing has been just more than Tea Party queen Sarah Palin could stand, so she dropped Cruz and gave Trump a big mama grizzly-bear hug upsetting Cruz so badly that he lost his normally icy calm demeanor and in an attempt to mimic John Kennedy, he confused a Robert Kennedy quote for the work of JFK.

Ted Cruz is a very scary man with eyes colder than a viper but on closer examination, he is more of a libertarian than a conservative, reminding people of their crazy uncle who shows up  at every family gathering, gets drunk, and falls into the backyard fish pond.   This entire sordid Republican Primary has delighted Democrats until they realized (belatedly) that Trump is a master politician who might very well defeat Hillary to become the 45th President of the United States.  And he will build the wall, all four-thousand miles of it.  Not on our southern border, but on the Canadian border.  Not to keep the Canadians out, but to prevent Americans from fleeing the country.


  1. Replies
    1. My favorite among the Republicans is John Kasich but I don't think he could win. Between Cruz, Rubio, and Trump I would vote for Trump.
